Sunday, March 6, 2011


"Thankful" is the thought on my mind tonight. Even though as I type this it is after 11 pm on Sunday night, even though I'm super tired, even though I'm having to type this one handed because Kinley only wants to be held and cries every time I put her down, I'm still so thankful. I'm thankful for so many reasons. I'm so thankful so our parents, who are all wonderful grandparents. I am so glad they are so involved in her life, as she got to see both sets today! I'm so thankful she is growing up not just with her parents who love her, but also a tight circle of family (grandparents, great-grandparents, aunt and uncles) that adores her. It means the world to me. I am thankful for my friends who love her and spoil her and go out of their way to see her. It means a lot to me that she has so many "Aunties."
I'm thankful for my wonderful very-soon-to-be husband, Seth. He is not only my best friend, but also my confidant. He is the best father I could ask for for Kinley. I am thankful that after every article I read, every website I visit, and after every doctor's visit I can go to him with all my concerns and questions and comments. I am so thankful for all the love surrounding my precious daughter. I am thankful for our house and our cars and the ability to buy things we need for her. My life truly circles around Kinley.

Most of all I am thankful for the opportunity to be her mother. It has changed me in so many ways. I am thankful for every cry, for every poopy diaper, for every laugh and giggle, and every time she looks at me with those big "I want my mommy" blue eyes. I am thankful she is healthy and happy. I know so many people who are not as lucky as me, and all I can be is thankful for my wonderful world. I cannot imagine if I couldn't have children, or if she was really sick, or if I couldn't be with her all the time. Knowing how lucky I am really does make me thankful for all the experiences I have as a mother to K, good or bad.

We recently started solid food-2 weeks ago I believe. Kinley is not a fan of cereal,  no matter bland or sweetened or thicker or thinner. After several rather unscuccessful attempt, I figured maybe she wasn't ready, even though she has been showing all the signs that she is! I finally tried applesauce last night, and what do you know, she really is ready! She opened her mouth wide and smiled and ate all that was in her little bowl! She did make that "tart" face every time it went in, which was hilarious and I actually captured on our camera! (Which I will have to post later!) But even so, she liked it! So now maybe we will just move on from there, or maybe try another type of cereal. It is so neat to get to watch her milestones! I love it!

We have been upping her tummy time a lot, but it doesn't seem to help. She rolled over many weeks ago, but hasn't in about 2 weeks now. Don't know what that's about. She did it a lot for a week or so, then it's like she's just given up since she "proved" to us she could do it! Little bugger! She is sitting up very well in her highchair and her Bumbo. Anytime I have her leaning back she tries so hard to sit up! So I'm thinking she will be sitting up on her own soon. We have been reading a lot of books she got for Christmas-she can usually make it through 2 or 3 before she loses interest. She seems to like it though. K is really fascinated by Macie, even more than before. It is so funny to watch her watch Macie. Watching anyone for matter is her new favorite hobby. She is just so aware of her environment and what is going on around her. She is also getting very good at picking up objects-she almost put her pacifier in her mouth all by herself tonight! (she got it in there backwards!)

Good night all, she's finally asleep! (which of course, I am thankful for!)

Lauren and Kinley

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